Comparisons between autism spectrum disorders and anxiety disorders – Ooi et al. 2014

Participants showed significant improvements on all subscales of the Social Responsiveness Scale (P<0.01) and the Social and Attention Problems syndrome scales of the Child Behaviour Checklist (P<0.05). Blood fatty acid levels were significantly correlated with changes in the core symptoms of ASD.
The role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the management of Egyptian children with autism – Meguid et al. 2008

20 of the 30 autistic children had clinically significant improvements in autistic behaviours (CARS)- improved concentration, eye contact, language development and motor skills. Blood DHA and AA increased with treatment from sub-normal levels
EFA supplementation in children with inattention, hyperactivity, and other disruptive behaviours – Dr. Stevens & Burgess, 2003

After treatment with Efalex there were significant improvements in ADHD symptoms including a 73% reduction in hyperactivity, 64% improvement in attention, 69% improvement in conduct and a 79% improvement in opposition defiant disorder.
The effects of supplementation with highly unsaturated fatty acids on ADHD-related symptoms in children – Richardson AJ, Puri BK. 2002

The Beechlawn Study was the first double-blind, placebo controlled trial to be published in a peer reviewed journal. It showed Efalex could reduce a number of ADHD related symptoms including cognitive problems, anxiety and hyperactivity. After 12 weeks mean scores for cognitive problems and general behaviour problems were significantly lower for the group treated with HUFA than for the placebo group