Garcia-Escrivà et al. 2014 – The effect of A High Omega-3 Fatty Acid Multinutrient Supplement on memory in older adults
Prospective, randomised trial with an unsupplemented control group. This study which was the first one to use Active Memory showed improvements were greater in the Efamol Active Memory treated patients for 5 of the memory tests with the results being significantly greater for delayed prompted text recall. There was no or less deterioration in the Efamol Active Memory treated patients for 5 of the EQ 5D tests with the results for anxiety and depression being significantly less.
Population studied: 60 patients, aged 60 years and older, with memory loss diagnosed mild cognitive impairment
Dosage & Duration: Half of the patients were supplemented with 3 capsules daily of Active Memory. Assessors did not know who took the active treatment.
Measures used:
- MMSE – Mini Mental State Exam assesses mental status using eleven questions testing 5 areas of cognitive function: orientation, registration, attention & calculation, recall & language
- ABT – Abbreviated Barcelona Test Battery – to quantitatively measure cognitive state. The tests are grouped into functional areas, and a clinical profile is established in which the affected and unaffected abilities can be evaluated
- EQ 5D – Quality of Life Scale – assesses mobility, usual activities, self-care, pain and anxiety
- The results obtained at the start and end of the study were compared for both groups and relative to each other
Garcia-Escrivà et al. Real Invest Demenc 2014;56:21-29.